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Draft Virginia Avenue NW Resolution for ANC 2A’s July 2021 Meeting

As part of ANC 2A’s regular July 2021 meeting, the ANC will consider a draft resolution regarding a proposed beautification of Virginia Avenue from Rock Creek Parkway to G Street NW. The draft resolution can be found below:

WHEREAS, Virginia Avenue, NW, from Rock Creek & Potomac Parkway (“the Parkway”) to G Street, NW, serves as a major arterial for commuters, visitors to the waterfront and residents living nearby;

WHEREAS, the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) has recently undertaken projects to enhance and activate Virginia Avenue from the Parkway to G Street, including a complete resurfacing of the roadway and planning for a protected bike lane project, scheduled for construction in fall 2021;

WHEREAS, several locations nearby or adjacent to this particular area of Virginia Avenue have trees in the median to help beautify and enhance those areas, including the 700 block of New Hampshire Avenue and the 2500 & 2600 blocks of K Street, NW;

THEREFORE, ANC 2A calls upon DDOT to fund and construct a beautification of Virginia Avenue from the Parkway to G Street, to include the planning for and planting of trees in the median. The trees should be chosen from DDOT’s Green Infrastructure Plant List and should be from native species, with low spread and long bloom time.