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ANC 2A Announces Special September 2017 Meeting

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2A will be holding a special meeting on Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 pm at St. Mary’s Court, 725 24th Street NW, in the first floor dining area. The ANC will be discussing a proposal by GW Hospital to install a helipad on the roof of the hospital at 900 23rd Street NW.

As part of the discussion regarding the helipad, the Commission will consider a proposed voluntary neighborhood agreement between the hospital and the ANC. The agreement would codify operating standards for the hospital’s proposed helipad. The text of the draft agreement can be found here.

The Commission will also consider the text of proposed legislation that could be introduced at the DC Council to amend the Helicopter Landing Pad Public Nuisance Act of 1987 to allow hospital helipads as a matter of right. This legislative amendment would be necessary in order to allow the hospital’s helipad proposal to move forward. The text of the proposed legislation can be found here. Please note that this proposed legislation has not yet been introduced at the DC Council.

Additional information regarding the hospital’s helipad proposal can be found in the presentation given by the hospital at a February 2017 meeting of the Foggy Bottom Association (FBA) and the regular May 2017 ANC meeting. A videotaped recording of the FBA presentation is available here, and a copy of the ANC presentation – which includes an overview of the results from a hospital-commissioned noise and vibration study – can be found here. A copy of the study itself is available here.

Lastly, during the special meeting, the commission will also consider an alcoholic beverage license application by Bindaas for a new Retailer’s Class “C” Restaurant license at 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, along with a resolution regarding the District Department of Transportation’s Downtown West Transportation Planning Study on the Pennsylvania Avenue NW and H Street NW corridors. More information regarding Bindaas’ application can be found here and more information regarding the Downtown West Transportation Planning Study can be found here.

Please let the ANC’s Chair, Patrick Kennedy, know if you have any questions regarding this special meeting.

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